AB-CAB grant accreditation as per requirement of ISO 17011. AB-CAB invite application from agencies looking for accredaition of AB-CAB. Accredaition is recognition of the certification to ensure the independence and it increase the credibillity of the CAB.

Agencies intrested to apply to AB-CAB may write a mail to AB-CAB at info@abcab.org or may directly register and apply on the portal on get accredited link or directly may be access at following link:

Registration Link: https://abcab.org/portal/

Application Link: to be avaialable after registration is complete.

Once you register as intended CAB, CAB shall have access to the docuemnts & application form. CAB may apply to AB-CAB by filling the application form and necessary action shall be taken by the AB-CAB.

CAB may choose to opt for preassessment audit before final assessment. It is to be noted that Pre Assessment is optional and CAB may choose to opt for preassessment or not. Preassessment help the CAB to avoid major failure as during the assessment, readiness of the CAB is checked. No consultency shall be given, but formal report of finding of the preassessment shall be given to CAB.

AB-CAB do charges USD 1000 for the preassessment and need to be paid in advance, all the travel and accomodation shall be provided by the CAB only. Plesae note that preassessment report shall be confidential and shall not for public use. CAB shall abide to maintain the confidentiality of the preassessment of report. Furhter Preassessment report cant be criteria or guarantee for successfull completion of the office assessment.

For  more detials, please write to info@abcab.org

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